May 17, 2013


When I was a bit younger, my goals were to have a stable job, a house, money in the bank...the usual stuff.

But now, I kinda realized what I want.  I want to be happy.

My goal now is TO BE HAPPY.

I´m not going to limit it by saying I need an X amount of money in my savings account or by having a house or a car.

I´m just from now on going to start to do what makes me happy.

I will just live everyday as my last day here on earth.

I will try not to worry to much.

Life is too short and I plan to live my life the happiest as any life can be.

April 22, 2013

It feels like my soul has lived for centuries.

My journey has opened my eyes.

But I feel as though I am still not in the time that I am supposed to be.

I still need to wait to see a more enlightened world.