October 9, 2010


I think the greatest adversary of organized religion is the thinking mind.  But this is not entirely bad because God wouldn't have given us the capacity for reason if he didn't intend for us to use it.  I'm glad people are becoming aware that they could ask questions about their religion, inquire and not just believe because someone said so.  Great faith comes from great belief, and true believing is the fruit of a mind that understands the wisdom behind what they believe in.

I'm glad we are becoming aware that people have different beliefs and try to RESPECT these, otherwise "zealots" would still be burning people on the stake accused of practicing beliefs other than theirs or stoning people to death just because they "sinned".........oh yeah on some parts of the world they still do that.  ON SOME PARTS of the world, yes, but fortunately, a greater majority is starting to become enlightened.

I for myself believe in ONE UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE that is the heart of true spirituality, and this is LOVE.  Unconditional Love, that which comes from the desire for everyone's well being.  Love for God (or a Supreme Being, in whatever form as long as This Being is the embodiment of Love), Love for one's neighbor, Love for one's self and Love for all creation.

For me, Religion is not neccessarily synonymous to Spirituality.  Religion is more based on RIGID rules and rituals as opposed to Spirituality, which is more of an expression of one's desire to be with the profound.

Sometimes religion becomes a deterrent to true spirituality because it causes scism, debates, fights and even great wars.  Just look back on mankinds history and you will see wars waged in the name of their respective gods believing that they are the only source of truth. 

Atrocious acts commited being justified by closed minded people thinking that what they do is right.  Usurpation of power and wealth, political machinations, murder and even genocide, these were the themes of the religious wars in the past, and on some degree is what is also happening in some parts of the world today.  All of this in the name of their belief that their religion holds the monopoly of truth. 

I'm wondering what God thinks about all of this.  I don't think that [He-She] is pleased.

I think that God would be more pleased with a sincere heart that Loves, Respects and seeks Peace as opposed to a denomination that thinks that they hold the monopoly of truth and do acts to assert their beliefs which results in harming others.

True spirituality is LOVE LOVE LOVE!
