September 27, 2010


The feeling of guilt is not something negative.

It is a clear sign of having moral fiber.

Remorse for acts that we committed that we view as unjust to ourselves or some other entity is healthy if  acted upon with clear intentions.

Guilt opens the door for forgiveness and retrubution.....if and only if we decide to do the right thing in the end.


September 23, 2010


I'm on a pensieve mood today.

I just realized that God allowed some of the trials in my life to somewhat break me, so that he could rebuild and renovate my spirit to become a better version of itself.

I may act like I'm just easily soaring over life's hurdles, but my inner dimension is like a deep abyss with millions of ripples dancing on the surface.

I'm a very introspective person, sometimes even too critical with myself, my environment, and on how I interact with my environment.  Mix this analytical attitude with a well developed sense of empathy and the product would be a big ball of raw nerves - feeling, thinking, feeling and thinking, thinking and feeling ad infinitum.

It's a two edged sword.

On one hand, it is very helpful for personal development.  On the other hand, in excess, it could lead you towards the road to insanity.  (Well, being an artistic person, I think I'm partially crazy anyway because this is what makes me think about outrageous out of the box ideas and principles that would make people say "he's such a weirdo" and this monicker is a welcomed one because I'd rather be coined weird than boring as dirt) - ok now back to the program....

I'm just thankful that God gave me the capacity to harness His gift of an introspective mind with an empathic heart because through this, I'm slowly but definitely on my way to be the person I'm meant to be, which is a refleciton of the seed of God's image placed within everyone's being.

Trials may hurt me more than the usual because I think and feel more than what is usual as well, but for me, this also opens a wider door towards greater healing if welcomed with an open mind and heart.

So far so good.  I'm glad that the storms I encountered didn't uproot me but moreso challenged me to let my roots sink deeper.  I'm solid, as of now.......

September 20, 2010


I wasn't able to write about anything the past weeks because a lot of things are happenning in my life, and I can't seem to catch up and sort out the stuff that I want to focus on and write about.

I'm not really overwhelmed, I'm just physically tired at the end of each day and I can't muster enough drive to force my brain to spew out ideas worth sharing.

There's a scarcity of interesting "brain farts" lately.

I don't want to force myself to write just for the sake of meeting my challenge to myself that I would try to write everyday.

I don't want blogging to be a chore.

Anyways, I'm doing this for me and I don't think it would be penultimately fruitful for my being to force myself to write even if not really in the mood to.

I want this process to be enjoyable, and that's just basically it!


September 4, 2010

These koi are not coy (pun intended)

I'm too lazy to write anything today so I decided to just post some photos I took earlier this year.

I call this series  "These koi are not coy (pun intended)"

September 3, 2010

Think Positive!

Ok, so I'm studying a new language (finnish/suomea), which is a fairly difficult language to learn if you are used to english grammar since there are a lot of differences in their sentence construction.

My basic motivation in trying to learn as fast as I could is that I know that it would be very useful to at least know the basics before I go finland.

How do I condition my brain to be receptive?  I try to make it as enjoyable for me as possible, considering the fact that at the end of every class, I feel as though my head is throbbing, filled to the brim with crammed knowledge. I just try to look at it with rose colored glasses, being thankful that in 3 weeks time, there is a considerable amount of quantifiable progress in my studies.

I just try to have a positive attitude about it by focusing on my goals instead on noticing the hurdles that I have to go through along the way. 

Always think positive!
