August 25, 2010


My brain is on hyperdrive the past few days. There has been a steady stream of external stimuli and information as well as my very own personal thoughts, that has been flooding my mind.  This makes it harder for me to process my opinions and feelings about these matters on my usual pace.  Information overload plus my unintentional tendency to overanalyze makes it harder to sort out thoughts and opinions that I want to focus on and write here, hence the lack of blog entries the past few days.  Too much choices most of the time results in choice parlysis and I'm finding it hard to choose a topic to write about, so decided to write about me finding it hard to choose a topic to write about.  :P

I promised myself to try and write at least once a day to help me develop my writing skills, but unfortunately, am not able to tap on my computer's keys for this purpose.

Hopefully I would be able to write daily.  Fingers crossed. :)