August 17, 2010

Why is Madonna in the Sandman series?

As I was leafing through the pages of  The Wake, the 10th book in Neil Gaiman's the Sandman graphic novel series, engrossed in Gaiman's fantastic creation, a question kept popping up in my mind: Why the f*%k do most of the characters look like Madonna?

Delirium (My 2nd Favorite character in the series.  She may seem crazy, but her words have hidden wisdom)

Queen Titania (extra lang yan hehe)

Desire (This character scares me the most.  He/She is the reflection of how influential desire can be)

Death (My favorite character in the series.  I think that amongst all the Endless, she is the wisest)

Besides this observation, the only thing that i could say about The Sandman series is that it made me think again.  It not only tickled my imagination but it made me ponder about existential matters and how my current philosophical and relgious beliefs affect my life and how I deal with the world.  I haven't had the pleasure of expanding my point of view for the longest time.  I am rarely intellectually stimulated nowadays with what is being offered by mainstream media and I find the current storylines of new movies and books to be just copies, if not blatant, but surely percievable recycled ideas.  It can be argued that there are really no new ideas because we are inspired by the ideas that were ingrained in us by our society's belief system, but what I'm saying is that although Sandman is obviously an amalgam of different stories and characters from traditions all over the world, it was presented by Gaiman in a way that it will make you ponder and question, and will shake your core. 

I am a late bloomer in this whole Sandman brouhaha, being a geek and all.  But it's still better late that never.  I would not have been who I am at this exact point in my life if  I haven't encountered this series.  I don't know if it is just me putting so much thought about a simple graphic novel, but heck, it's me and what I think may not mean squat to someone else, but to me it does.